How we went from being struggling osteopaths to thriving business practitioners with a team of 12 AND a 3-month wait list





Hi! We're Sean, Kevin and Jason 

With a combined 57 years in the business of osteopathy and chiropractic, we created AMO to help osteopaths build a practice with a solid foundation based on real-life experience and procedures that will provide consistent growth and sustainability.


During our new Masterclass, we will show you a behind-the-scenes  look at our 

Top 3 Business Strategies and 3 Mindset Musts

for Osteopaths to grow your practice fuller, faster!


We recorded this masterclass to show you what is possible when you pair intentional focused energy with proven business strategies.

This class is available on-demand and can be watched anytime. 



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In this masterclass we’ll share: 

  • the many challenges we faced trying to figure things out the hard way
  • how easily it can be to lose focus and lose clients
  • what we did that changed EVERYTHING


One linear path to success rarely works for everyone. We’ve been so effective in teaching and mentoring together because we represent 3 different ways of navigating the challenges of growing a practice.

Our 3 different ways of approaching the intricacies of business make us unique AND just like you at the same time because we were ALL in your position at one time.


In this masterclass we will teach you how to run your own clinic or to build a business within the clinic you’re currently working from. If you’re a student getting ready to graduate, you’ll come out of school empowered to succeed.



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$60K is the average salary of a 5 to 10yr Osteopath 

That's $30 an hour before you pay any overhead costs of running a business, like rent, equipment, advertising, marketing, and accounting, to name a few of the costs. 

If you want to build a thriving practice, it's not enough to be a talented, intuitive, dedicated, caring practitioner. 

Without understanding the business side of your practice, it's easy to become a statistic. But this doesn't have to be you. 

You have the practical training to be a great Osteopath. 


But your formal education had very little if any courses on business and/or clinic management. It's no wonder why you might be struggling.

That's where we step in.

As your mentors, we bridge that gap between your formal education and real-world success by providing you with the business savvy and support to build the practice you've always dreamed of. 

We believe that you can be successful beyond your expectations and it starts right here, and right now


In watching this masterclass you will learn concrete strategies that work for anyone starting or managing a practice but REMEMBER they only work if you DO the work of implementing the tools to start seeing the growth in your practice. 

You have to TRUST the Process!


In this free masterclass you will learn to set your SOLID FOUNDATION with our 

3 Mindset Musts 

every Osteopath should integrate into in their practice.

Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

Get crystal clear on WHO you are, WHAT you want, and WHOM you want to attract as clients AND WHY. 

Honour Your Authentic Path

Trust yourself, your skills, and your authentic gifts. Honor your path in the profession and not just do what you think you should do.

2 Dynamics of Personal & Practice Growth

Own your confidence as an Osteopath and healer to create, dictate and follow through with your client's care plan.

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You will also discover our IMMEDIATELY ACTIONABLE

TOP 3 Business Strategies 

we instill in all our students as a fail-proof foundation for success: 

Engage, Educate, and Empower Your Client

Establish an Osteo/Client relationship by answering the 4 questions every client has, for them to take responsibility for their own care and play an active role in their recovery. 

Tap Into an Abundance of Referrals

Effective communication with your clients and staff leads to an abundance of referrals, 100% conversion and compliance in your practice.

Work ON Your Business and Not Just IN It

Leverage the financial energy of your business. Master budgeting, and forecasting by understanding your numbers = the business of osteopathy.

You will leave the masterclass:


  • with crystal clear direction on how to figure out WHO you are, WHAT you want, WHOM you want to attract AND WHY 

  • using focused intention to see your vision on a larger scale and knowing how to put it into action 
  • knowing how to optimize your energy, authenticity, and your inner purpose for yourself and your clients

  • knowing how to quit overthinking and over-analyzing your every move and actually grow a successful business without second-guessing yourself 

  • with a lesson in kissing your “ass” goodbye!
  • with an exercise to find out who your authentic self is (this is NOT who others expect you to be)
  • knowing how to get specific about who your ideal clients are and how to pull them in 
  • understanding how to apply the 3 E's - and exercise our students swear by
  • with a plan to tap into an abundance of referrals at your finger tips
  • focusing ON your business beyond the day to day work with your clients   


We could go on and on - just watch the masterclass to take actions on all these great lessons and strategies. 


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Get the masterclass now to learn the secrets of becoming a thriving business practitioner.


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I have felt an immense amount of support.

"I feel really lucky to have gotten the opportunity to learn from Jason, Kevin, and Sean. I have felt an immense amount of support as an intern starting my career in osteopathy. They each bring a complementary element to the manual therapist approach and guide us on how to build our own businesses. They have always been there for me and I'm forever grateful."

– Steph Assad

My practice no longer feels stressful.

"Leaving osteo school, a big part of me still felt like an imposter. Learning from Kev, Jay and Sean was a blessing and helped guide me in my first few years of practice. They taught me invaluable skills such as the triple Es and the importance of branding. Under their mentorship, I was able to focus on connection which was exactly what I needed to shift into a women’s health niche. My practice no longer feels stressful, it is a place where I feel stimulated, grounded, and full of confidence. Could not have gotten to this place without them."

– Riley Grant
